Scarlet Cord Consistories

In this area you can view the Scarlet Cord Consistory Information Pages for Consistories in the Norfolk Province which will show the list of current Officers and Past Presidents, the Secretary’s contact information and meeting place with meeting dates.

  • These pages replicate the information you would normally find in the Provincial Year Book but it may be more up to date here as the information is updated as soon as we are able following notification of any change.

  • If you need a copy of the information for any specific Conclave, you can download the PDF file and print it on your own printer at home.

  • In time it is likely that accessing this information on-line will become the norm and the Year Book may become less important to those who have internet access. However, for the time being both methods will be in use and that ensures that those who do not have access to the internet, or are unable to use it for one reason or another, will continue to be fully catered for.

Scroll down for the Consistories Information


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