Scarlet Cord By-Laws 2014

The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord

In the British Isles and its Districts and Consistories Overseas.

Provincial Grand Senatus

of Norfolk

 Order-of-the-Scarlet-Cord-Colour-1200 Secretary

Adopted 17th November 2010

Amended 26th November 201


of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Norfolk





  1. Membership
    1. The members of Provincial Grand Senatus are the Provincial Grand Summus, the Grand Officers, and Provincial Grand Officers so long as they remain subscribing members of a Consistory under the jurisdiction of that Provincial Grand Senatus.
    2. All other Companions of the Order who are subscribing members of a Consistory of the Order held under the English Constitution, may by the authority of the Provincial Grand Summus, be permitted to attend Provincial Grand Senatus, but may not speak or vote on any resolution.
  1. Meetings

The Provincial Grand Senatus shall meet annually on a date, time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee. Additional Meetings for especial purposes may be held at the discretion of the Provincial Grand Summus.

Whenever it shall be deemed expedient to hold a Festival in connection with any meeting of Grand Senatus, no portion of the expenses thereof shall be defrayed out of the funds of the Provincial Grand Senatus except by the authority of the Provincial Grand Summus.

  1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Provincial Grand Summus, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, and up to three [3] other s selected from the following Provincial Officers: Treasurer, Registrar, Recorder, Director of Ceremonies and Assistant Recorder.

The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each year at a date, time and place appointed by the Provincial Grand Summus, and shall consider all matters referred to it by the Provincial Grand Summus, and make recommendations thereon.

  1. Notice of Meetings

Notice of every meeting of Provincial Grand Senatus shall be issued to all Consistory Recorders of all Consistories at least twenty-one [21] days before the date of such meeting giving the date, time and place of such meeting, and a summary of the business to be transacted and propositions to be determined.

  1. Attendance of Provincial Grand Officers

During their term of office it is the duty of Provincial Grand Officers to punctually attend each meeting of Provincial Grand Senatus unless prevented by a reasonable excuse, communicated to, and accepted by, the Provincial Grand Summus.

  1. Duties of Provincial Grand Officers

The Provincial Grand Treasurer and the Provincial Grand Recorder, in the exercise of their respective offices, shall be governed be the regulations applicable to the similar offices in the Grand Senatus. The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall be nominated each year, for election to that office by TWO [2] Members of Provincial Grand Senatus.

The Provincial Grand Guarder shall be responsible for seeing that every Companion, before entering Provincial Grand Senatus, has signed the attendance Register, and giving his rank, and the name and number of the Consistory to which he belongs, and that he is properly clothed; he may be assisted in these duties by the Provincial Grand Watchman.

  1. Provincial Grand Senatus, Fees and Equipment
  1. Fees              The Province will reflect the directions set out in Grand Senatus Regulations; vis. a] There shall be payable to the Province such annual dues for each subscribing member of each Consistory as may be directed by the Provincial Grand Summus but not exceeding 40% of the rate of Annual Dues payable to the Grand Senatus. b] Fees of Honour on first election, appointment or promotion shall not exceed 40% of that amount for the equivalent Grand Rank. c] Such fees as the Province may prescribe but not exceeding 40% of the equivalent fee payable to the Grand Senatus for i} registering by-laws of a Consistory; ii} every alteration of a by-law; iii} every dispensation granted by the Province. The existing format for fees will remain, as set out in the by-laws for the time being.
  2. Fees of Honour               The level of all Fees of Honour shall be set at £20.00, or such sum as the Executive Committee shall decide from time to time, and consistent with the guidelines in [a] above.
  3. Annual Fees                    Each Consistory within the Province shall pay to the Provincial Grand Senatus, each year on 1st September, an Annual Fee for each subscribing member of the Consistory, registered in the last twelve months. The annual fee shall be as the Membership shall determine from time to time, after notice on the Summons of the Annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Senatus of Norfolk, and consistent with the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order.
  4. Assets                             The Books, Papers, Furniture, Robes, Jewels and other property belonging to the Provincial Grand Senatus, shall be vested in the Provincial Grand Summus, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus and the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus for the time being, in trust for the Provincial Grand Senatus.
  1. Provincial Grand Senatus Funds

All monies received by the Provincial Grand Treasurer shall be deposited in the bank account(s) in the name of ‘Provincial Grand Senatus of Norfolk’. Cheques drawn on these accounts or withdrawals from other investments shall be authorised by ONE of the following Provincial Grand Officers:- Provincial Grand Summus, Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, Provincial Grand Treasurer, Provincial Grand Recorder.

No overdraft facilities shall be requested, and any casual overdraft shall be rectified immediately and reported in writing to the Provincial Grand Summus or his Deputy.

  1. Audit of Accounts
    1. Provincial Grand Senatus Funds             The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall prepare a statement of accounts for all Provincial Funds as at 31st August each year. The accounts of Provincial Grand Senatus, shall be audited by TWO [2] members of Provincial Grand Senatus, and that these accounts are subsequently submitted to the next annual meeting for approval.
    2. Consistories              The President of each Consistory within the Province shall forward TWO [2] copies of the Consistory statement of accounts, immediately after they have been approved and adopted by the Consistory members.
  1. Annual Returns

The President of each Consistory within the Province shall, immediately after 31st August each year, submit TWO [2] copies of the Annual Return of membership to the Provincial Grand Recorder, together with cheques for the required Annual Dues for Grand Senatus and Provincial Grand Senatus. The Provincial Grand Recorder shall check the Consistory Returns and forward ONE [1] copy to Grand Recorder, together with the cheques for Grand Senatus Dues.

  1. Provincial Grand Summus – Communications

Any and all communications from Consistories, or members, regarding matters for submission to the Provincial Grand Summus, including applications for Dispensations, shall be submitted to the Provincial Grand Recorder for presentation.

  1. Amendments to By-Laws

No amendment to these By-Laws shall be made unless notice thereof has been submitted in writing to the Provincial Grand Recorder at least EIGHT [8] weeks before the meeting of Provincial Grand Senatus. The Provincial Grand Recorder shall submit the proposed amendments to the Executive Committee for endorsement, and thereafter a Notice of the Amendments inserted into the business for consideration at the next Provincial Grand Senatus meeting, Any amendment to these By-Laws shall not be effective until affirmed by the vote of a majority of the members present, and approved by the Provincial Grand Summus and the Grand Summus.

  1. General

The Recorder of each Consistory within the Province shall send a copy od each Consistory Summons to the Provincial Grand Summus, the Deputy Provincial Grand Summus, the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus and the Provincial Grand Recorder.

In all particulars, not herein especially set forth in these By-Laws, the Provincial Grand Summus, Provincial Officers and members of the Province, shall be governed, and regulated, by the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order.

By-Laws adopted by the Provincial Grand Senatus at the Annual Meeting held on 17th November 2010 and Amended at the Annual Meeting held on 26th November 2014.

By-Laws Amended and Approved at the Annual Provincial Grand Senatus 26th November 2014, to change the wording affecting the level of Fees of Honour and other fees required by the Province, set out in Item 7 [a], [b] and [c], in order to comply fully with Grand Senatus regulations concerning the levels of fees and dues.


Approved by the Provincial Grand Summus

For the Province of Norfolk   (Signed)                                                                                                           P. T. Coles,

Provincial Grand Summus

Dated              26th November 2014


Approved by the Grand Summus (Signed)                                                                          A. P. D. Hannagan, Grand Sec,

For the Most Distinguished Grand Summus

Dated              8th April 2015