Minutes of Provincial Grand Conclave – 2014



Minutes – 28th July 2014

The Provincial Grand Conclave of Norfolk was held in the Masonic Temple, Albert Square, Great Yarmouth on Monday 28th July 2014. At 1440 hours the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies called the assembled Brethren to order to receive the Right Worthy Brethren.

At 1450 hours, the assembled Brethren stood to order to greet with warm acclamation the Right Worthy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Robin Habbitts accompanied by the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Right Worthy Brother John S. Warne. P.G.G. They were escorted by the Officers of the Provincial Grand Conclave of Norfolk.

The following Provincial Grand Officers had signed the attendance register signifying their presence.

DPGSR.           R Wy Bro JS. Warne.
Chancellor.         Wy Bro SN. Allen,
Counsellor.         Wy Bro DJ Barton.
Guide.                  Wy Bro RB Masterson.
Chaplain.             Wy Bro RJR Shipp.
Treasurer.           Wy Bro AV Fairchild.
Registrar.            Wy Bro NF Riley.
Recorder.            Wy Bro IH Macklin
DC.                       Wy Bro G Secker
DDC.                    Wy Bro GW Allen.
Almoner.             Wy Bro AW Seaman.
G. Visitor.            Wy Bro BR Howell.
G. Visitor.            Wy Bro KE Parks.
G. Visitor.            Wy Bro RB Woodhouse.
G. Visitor.            Wy Bro B Nestor. (acting)
ADC.                     Wy Bro PJ Cuff.
Sword B.              Wy Bro MA Erskine
Standard B.         Wy Bro I Atkinson
Bow B                   Wy Bro JW Gallop
Asst.G.Rec.          Wy Bro RJ Hawes.
Organist.                     Bro G Hadrell.
Guarder.              Wy Bro ET Moore.
Steward.              Wy Bro APR Gedge.
Sentinel.              Wy Bro DW Reid. (acting).

In addition there were present the Brethren of Norfolk Conclaves and their guests whose names are recorded on the attendance register.

Norfolk Provincial Grand Conclave was also honoured by the presence of distinguished guests from other Provinces within the Order who are listed alphabetically in the presence register. This register is attached to these minutes.

Apologies had been received and recorded from Norfolk Grand Rank Officers, Provincial Grand Officers and Brethren of the Province.

Also recorded are the names of distinguished Brethren from other Provinces who tendered their apologies.

Provincial Grand Conclave was opened in due and ancient form at 15:00 hours and the opening Ode sung.

The Brethren, under the direction of the Director of Ceremonies – Wy Bro G. Secker, were called to order to salute the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Right Worthy Brother Robin Habbitts and other distinguished Brethren as befitted their many and exalted ranks.

The Right Worthy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler then welcomed all of our visitors individually and by name. He also went on to welcome heads of other Masonic Orders who were at this Provincial Grand Conclave in their rank of Secret Monitor. The assembled Norfolk Brethren amply demonstrated their approbation at the presence of all Honoured Guests.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler rose with the scroll of remembrance for all Brethren who had been called to higher service since the last meeting of Provincial Grand Conclave. Brethren stood in silent tribute and reflected on the departed merit of

R W Bro Rev. Peter Cecil John Cannon, P.G.G., V Wy Bro Dennis Stanley Leach, P.G.V.,

Wy Bro Harry Pascoe, Wy Bro David Jonathan Berry, P.A.G.D.C, Wy Bro. Mervyn Robert Charles Scott, Wy Bro Col. Walter Fountain Page, Bro Peter Harold Sandy, Bro John Alan Lilley and Bro Ronald Brian Sankey.

The Provincial Grand Chaplain offered a Prayer up for their eternal rest.

The Provincial Grand Registrar called the Muster Roll of Conclaves in the Province. All were represented. He then called the Roll of Provincial Grand Officers. Apologies had been received from the Provincial Grand Visitor, Wy.Bro. Martin White, due to work commitments and Stewards John Parle and Tony Hammond.

Wy.Bro. Dick Barton, Provincial Grand Counsellor rose and proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 22nd July 2013, which had been available for inspection on the Recorders desk since 9:30 am this morning be taken as read and adopted; this was seconded by Wy. Bro. Ralph Masterson, Provincial Grand Guide, approved by the Brethren and signed by the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler as a true and correct record.

The Provincial Grand Treasurer, Wy. Bro. Alan Fairchild rose and gave a report on the accounts for the year ending

March 31st 2014. The Province was in financial good heart. A copy of these accounts had been distributed to Brethren attending the meeting. Because of the good standing of the Provincial balance sheet the Treasurer proposed there would be no rise in the Provincial dues for a fifth year. The Provincial Grand Supreme Rulers charity, The Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund, now had well over £3000:00 in the account. A proposition to adopt these accounts, coupled with thanks to the Treasurer and the account examiners was made by Wy. Bro. Dick Barton. The proposition was seconded by Wy Bro Ralph Masterson. These were unanimously adopted by the assembled Brethren.

There being no other nomination for Treasurer, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, declared Wy. Bro. Alan Victor Fairchild, MBE, as Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year.

Likewise with only two nominations for accounts examiners, Bro J Cox. PPGBB. and Wy Bro LG Goodrum, PGStB. were declared account examiners for the ensuing year.

The Provincial Grand Guide, Wy Bro Ralph Masterson, gave a very positive and comprehensive report on the Province. He paid tribute to the work of the Provincial Grand Visitors and the detailed reports they had submitted during the last twelve months. This report is available on request to the Provincial Grand Recorder and is filed with the records of this meeting.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler then took great pleasure in reappointing R Wy Bro John S Warne, PGG as his Deputy and thanked him for his work in the Office.

The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies then called Brethren of the Province of Norfolk to order to salute with SEVEN the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, which was then greeted with warm applause..

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler was then pleased to appoint and invest his Officers for the ensuing year.


DPGSR.                                R Wy  Bro JS Warne
Chancellor                           R Wy  Bro PD Miles.
Counsellor                               Wy  Bro DJ Barton
Guide                                        Wy  Bro RB Masterson
Chaplain.                                 Wy  Bro RJR Shipp.
Treasurer                                Wy  Bro AV Fairchild.
Registrar.                                Wy  Bro NF Riley.
Recorder.                                Wy  Bro IH Macklin
DC.                                           Wy  Bro G Secker.
DDC                                         Wy  Bro AW Seaman.
Almoner                                  Wy  Bro RB Woodhouse
GV.                                           Wy  Bro KE Parks.
G.V .                                         Wy  Bro MD White.
G.V .                                         Wy  Bro ET Moore.
G.V .                                         Wy  Bro CT Sampson.
ADC.                                        Wy  Bro PJ Cuff.
Swd.B.                                     Wy  Bro I Atkinson.
Std.B.                                       Wy  Bro AJ Hammond.
B.B                                           Wy  Bro NC Gant.
Asst.G.Rec                              Wy  Bro RJ Hawes.
Organist                                  Wy  Bro RA Scott.
Guarder.                                 Wy  Bro APR Gedge.
Stwd.                                       Wy  Bro RH Lees.
Stwd                                        Wy  Bro D Dibb.
Stwd                                        Wy  Bro EH Vallance
Sentinel                                          Bro YJT Hall.
P.P.G .Reg.                             Wy Bro BR Howell.
P.P.G Reg.                              Wy Bro MA Erskine.
P.P.G.V.                                  Wy Bro RJ Hawes.
P .P.St.B.                                Wy Bro W Favish
P .P.B.B.                                 Wy Bro BD Harvey.
P .P .B.B.                                       Bro GR Haddrell
P .P.B.B.                                        Bro DK Murton.
P .P.B.B.                                        Bro BRI Quadling.

Great applause greeted these appointments and promotions.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler went on to thank V. Wy. Bro. Roy Holland for all the hard work he had carried out as Provincial Benevolent Fund Steward. V. Wy. Bro. Roy thanked R. Wy. Bro. Robin for his kind words but said it had been a pleasure to work for the Province. The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler then appointed Wy. Bro. Richard Callaby as the new Provincial Benevolent fund Steward.

Another Brother the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler thanked for his service to the Province was Bro. Geoff Haddrell who was retiring after playing the organ for Provincial meetings for the last six years.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler received the newly formed Arch of Steel.

He appointed and invested Wy. Bro. Richard George as Commander and Wy. Bro. Warren Favish as Deputy Commander, with the following as

members of the Arch of Steel, Wy. Bro. I. Atkinson, Bro’s, CR. Atwell, NJ. Hood, J. Rafftree, DA. Ovenden, RG. Pickard, S. Offord and BS. Toombs.

The Right Worthy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler then addressed the Provincial Conclave. He commenced by reporting on the recent presentation of a painting of a Norfolk scene to R. Wy. Bro. Peter Coles after 15 years as the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler of Norfolk. He paid tribute to the tremendous support and commitment he received from his Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R. Wy. Bro. John Warne, also the support he had received from Wy.Bro Ian Macklin the Provincial Recorder and his team, also Wy. Bro. Gary Secker, Prov. Grand D.C. and his team of helpers. The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler then thanked all Brethren retiring from active office for their commitment and dedication in serving the Province during the term of their Office. He then congratulated those Brethren that had been promoted and appointed to Grand Rank last November. R Wy Bro Peter Rollin continuing as Grand Registrar. R Wy Bro John Warne was promoted to PGG and V Wy Bro Chris Bowles promoted to PGV, Wy Bro Ralph Masterson to PGSwdB and Wy Bro Gary Secker to PGStB, Wy Bro Keith Parks and Wy Bro Peter Worby to PGBB.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler continued and congratulated all those he had appointed and promoted, stressing that honours were in recognition of work they had done for their Conclaves and the Order. He emphasised it was also for what they would do for their Conclaves, the Province and the Order in the future. He had no doubt about their Secret Monitor commitment.

After introducing the Arch of Steel he thanked Wy Bro’s Richard Hawes, Richard George and Warren Favish for the work in training the members to such a high standard.

The PGSR is looking to set up a web site and is hoping to recruit a Web Master. Hopefully a Secret Monitor Year book will soon be available and here again the PGSR is looking for some one to edit the yearly booklet.

In thanking our distinguished guests for the presence he also thanked them for their marvellous hospitality when he visited other Provinces. He was particularly pleased to see such a strong representation from Grand Conclave, – Grand Chancellor, R Wy Bro Noel Grout, the Grand Guide, R Wy Bro Trevor Currans and Grand Visitors V Wy Bro’s Colin Hume and Tom Auber.

Finally the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler thanked all the Brethren for their attendance and for the support he had received through out his first year in office.

A.O.B. To the relief of many, the Recorder had no further business to bring before this Provincial Grand Conclave.

Alms collected totalled £466.25 including Gift Aid and would be donated to the Lennox Children Cancer Fund, following which, Provincial Grand Conclave was closed in ample form, the Closing Ode and the first Verse of the National Anthem sung.

Under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Provincial Officers, Distinguished Guests and Brethren retired in procession at 4:30pm.